To every thing—turn, turn, turn...
There is a season—turn, turn, turn...
And with the turning of the tassel—one side to the other—my 10 year commitment to home educate this child comes to an end.
The end of one season for Brianne...and the beginning of another...
Thus begins another season for us as mother and a family...
The ceremony consisted of prayers, sharing of life verses, musical performances and the commencement address...

Followed by tributes from the grad to parents and from the parents to their grad...
Finally, the presentation of diplomas...
God...I thank you for this special day! I thank you for the honor and privilege it has been to learn alongside this special daughter of Yours! Thank you for Your grace and its covering over my shortcomings! Thank you, Father, for your unfailing faithfulness! Your goodness towards me is overwhelming! Thank you for the blessing of this season! As we turn into another, we walk confidently knowing you are already waiting to meet us there. Thank you for your love and the assurance that your face is always turned toward us...wherever we are, whatever the season...Amen!