Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Roller Coaster

The delights, the fears all tangled up in this whirlwind ride we all whip through.  The anticipation of the slow climb—the heights unseen in the day to day.  With a slight pause at the top before the plummet we catch a breath, grip tighter and prepare screams. 

What do you do in that pause?

I feel like I am failing at faith.

I am so weak.  Where is my belief, my trust, my faith in the Faithful one?

No faith is needed when I can see, when I already receive from God in some tangible way.  Grow my faith, Father, to believe in that which is unseen, not yet received!

Truth tells me...
            I have not because I ask not! (James 4:2)
            All things I ask for in believing prayer, I will receive! (Matt. 21:22)

But how often, how much am I to ask?

The widow in Luke 18:1-8 came asking often.  She was in great need and the only one who could help her was unwilling.  She persisted.  The unwilling one relented.  He had all the power but it was her persistence in asking that granted her request.  Now, I know this parable has to do with those being treated unjustly and God granting justice to the pleas of the faithful.  But this is also a beautiful picture of unceasing, believing prayer! (1 Thes. 5:17)

We are to ask and keep asking—for healing, for faith, for trust, for wisdom, for strength, for whatever we have need of or desire rightly.  Ask and keep on asking.

Faith is in the continual asking.  If I didn’t have faith in God, if I didn’t believe in Him—I’d stop asking.

The widow kept asking.  All her pleas were received.  She was not solely heard on the 17th visit and granted her request.  Her request, her voice was heard each and every time she came before the judge.  She faithfully, repeatedly came to the only one who could help her...who could save her from her situation. 

Do we?  Do we come continually asking, believing—even pleading—to the only One who can help us with our need?  Or do we give up asking and grip a little tighter, believing  “it’s not His will to help me” or “I’m not hearing anything—He remains silent concerning this.”

She. kept. asking!

I learn from our parable widow to keep asking, to keep refuting unbelief and to keep taking lying thoughts captive.  I learn to keep seeking Him, believing Him and professing Him who is the only One able to answer, help and save!

Deep faith—deep roots—are not achieved overnight.  Faith is grown over time living trials and temptations...life experiences and circumstances.

Faith is activated and sustained—by grace. 

Everything is grace!

Grace is what I ask for in the pause at the top of the ride.  That God would grant me a greater outpouring of grace for the falls, twists and turns about to come. 

Knowledge and experience, closeness in relationship gained in the climb to the top get’s my momentum going, for sure.  But it is faith growing grace I need...and gratitude for all the ride brings.

Grace and Gratitude. 
Him and Me. 

“Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thes. 5:16-18

~Repost from the archives, but where my heart is today!~

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