Friday, June 3, 2011

The Waiting Place by Eileen Button—A Book Review

The Waiting Place, by Eileen Button, is a book of essays on “Learning to appreciate life’s little delays”.  I was very intrigued by the title and subtitle alone!  Often, we rush through our moments—even the ones requiring wait.  We are not good waiters.  We are even less good at seeing the wait as a gift!

There are 22 essays in all, although the book as a whole is more like a memoir.  The author shares her own life stories from childhood on up, concluding with the wait to become a published author—which is accomplished by this book. 

Although the stories were well written and intriguing, with some of them deeply personal and honest, the book did not accomplish the hopeful expectation for this reader.  Some stories seemed more an applaud for perseverance than appreciation.  The middle stories in particular.  I felt like I was left hanging as she detailed the painful and frightening burn-out that her pastor husband experienced.  Is he well now—spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically?  Is he still in ministry?  These chapters did nothing to encourage me in my times of waiting.  They just left me wondering about her family's well-being.

I enjoyed the book as a whole.  The first few chapters and those at the end particularly shined.  I can’t say as I learned any great lessons, but it did work as a springboard of conversation between God and me about my own waiting places over the years—simultaneously, some of my greatest growing places!  

Life is full of waiting.  All of us are in the midst of one or several “waits” right now.  Knowing our times are in His hands should encourage us to look at them for what they truly are—opportunities to trust Abba and rest in this often difficult world.

Disclosure: Thomas Nelson Company provided me The Waiting Place for free for review purposes with no expectation that I would provide a positive review.  The thoughts and opinions shared are entirely my own.