Our God is the God of perfection when it comes to timing!
{Perfection in all things really! J}
All of me—flesh and spirit—is made up from both God's original design for my life and my life lived. It’s the same with you. Some parts of our story are easier to work out than others. They are easier to share. Some we never do. It is just too hard and we really don’t know what to do with it, where to go with it. Being stuck not only frustrates, it damages while draining us.
For a few months now, God has lovingly and painstakingly worked at removing some debris within my soul. I have never known my wretchedness nor His love so deep as I know both today!
Much ground has been taken back from the enemy. Much repentance for sinful ways I have used to cope with lies that enemy led me to believe. There is much still to do, but I see the horizon of hope in the distance as Abba gently leads me out of one more pit of bondage into the freedom only possible in Christ!
I hope to begin writing again soon. I will not write just to post something. I had several writings ready to go from months past and also reworked some things from the archives. Those being gone, I cannot offer fresh until I feel led by the Holy Spirit to do so—as I am doing now. It could be as early as tomorrow. It could be some time next week. But this place has sat too silent too long. I have shared too much with you not to openly share now where I am at today.
Writing here is, without a doubt, an extension of my personal relationship with our Covenant Making and Keeping God! I would never have started writing at all had He not asked it of me. Little did I know then what healing and pain would come from it . . . along with a greater ability to absorb what He is teaching me by working the newly learned lesson into something worth sharing.
I thank you for joining me here and wanting to commune with others in this special-to-me place. Knowing you are just on the other side of this screen has made me delve deeper and write better. In hopes of exciting you with all that Jesus excites me with daily! There will be more soon, I feel it! Until then . . .
Soli Deo Gloria!