Wednesday, April 6, 2011

All Jesus!

My reward.  My blessing.  My place.  My prize!

All is contingent upon Jesus and where He takes me—what He decides!

I respond to that recognition and move as He directs me.
I miss out on the present around me when I reach for what He alone controls.

“I lay at your feet, Jesus, any thing that comes in the way of my joy rising from and for Your pleasure!  Where there is lack or the robbing of sincere joy in my life—Holy Spirit reveal and restore!”

I cannot let ugliness rule over my heart.
I will not be ruled by my emotions.

When “feelings” are negative, wrong, contrary to the Spirit they are pleasing to the evil one and I must recognize, move against and dispel his poisonous lies in thought before they have time to take hold in mine!

Poisoning . . .
Building resentment . . .
Growing bitterness . . .
Establishing strongholds . . .

God makes much of me—in the end, He will make much more!
I make much of Him—To “show Christ” is my life! 

“Jesus, be my foundation, the reason for any and all motivation behind all that I do—in every area of my life!  You are the foundation of all joy—not success, not recognition, not happy happenstances.  These are all circumstantial and change.  
You are stable joy!”

Jesus!  Making much of Jesus!

Jesus is all I need. 
Seeking Him . . . 
loving Him . . . 
yielding to Him . . . 

is all I need!

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