Tuesday, February 22, 2011

His Mercies Are New—EVERY Morning!

My mornings are pretty routine around here. 
Get up early. 
Meet with Jesus. 
Write some words. 
Pray to the background music of pug snores

He snorts and snores and sneezes all over our feet.  
His name is Samson.  
And for the past 10 years he has been the loyal, trustworthy, family best friend that writers have proclaimed canines to be through all of history.  

He has put up with A LOT being part of this family!!!


He wakes for no man . . . or woman . . . until bodily functions require he leave the warm house and his warm pillow.

So imagine my surprise when I stumble down at 3:35 a.m. to find the smashed nosed wonder standing next to my husband in the kitchen.  “What’s he doing up so early?” I asked.  It had to be because he “sensed” it was his master and not his mistress this early morning.  They have an impenetrable bond where I withhold affection due to my abhorrence of dog hair and pet messes.  He’d never get up this early if it were just me! 

And off we went to drop hubby off at the airport. 

When I came back through the door at 5:30 I was surprised to find that our eldest daughter was not downstairs yet.  She needed to leave for work in 15 minutes and I had sped down the freeway worked hard to get back to the house in time.  The 2 older boys were gone for a rare overnighter with some friends.  The Littles sound asleep upstairs as I set down my purse and headed for the teapot

In the other room I heard a crashing sound.  I thought my coming home had startled one of the cats who then proceeded to knock something off of something.  But when I got to that room and turned on the light I was surprised to find our Sam struggling. 

It took me several minutes to get him settled while I pet him and begged Jesus.  My daughter came down the stairs about that time and she went for his kennel.  We got him inside—as safe and comfortable as possible. 

She left for work.  
I went upstairs to wake dreamers.  
We prayed together the 30 minute drive to the emergency vet.  
I prayed silently to myself words of gratitude for an animal I had often complained about over the years.  {“Oh Jesus . . . he loved me better than I loved him.  Isn't that how it is with you too?!”}

How perspective alters our selfishness!

A stroke or brain aneurysm altered this faithful family friend . . .

We left broken . . . and . . . friendless.

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; 
His mercies never come to an end; 
they are new every morning; 
great is Your faithfulness.”  
Lamentations 3:22, 23

“If you are in every moment God . . . if you sufficiently equip me for every experience . . . show me You today—in these difficult moments—in the saying good-bye to a very devoted companion.  I want to see your grace in this morning, because where the grace is, there Your joy will be found.  And I am desperate for your joy—and for the peace that only You can give!”

God—in His promised faithful kindness—reveals His morning of mercies:
  • Sam was awake early before my husband left . . . a special good-bye for special friends!
  • My sons were gone . . . I could not rely on them for help—thus they never saw their dog suffer!
  • My daughter came down late and had to leave right away . . . she was able to get the kennel so that I didn’t have to leave Sam, but she too missed much!
  • The Littles did not see him until he was kenneled . . . they were groggy with sleep and did not realize how serious or sad the situation was!
  • We prayed together on the drive . . . they experienced personally that ALL THINGS are important to OUR GOD!
  • There really were no options for me to take at the vet . . . I was saved the guilt of having to make the wise financial decision!
  • The sad drive home without their furry friend . . . all the heaven and Jesus questions I could answer were asked, because—yes!  I do believe there will be animals in heaven!  And if I am surprised to find they are not when I get up there, then it won't matter—but I believe all His creation is loved by Him and if there is to be no lack in heaven, then I believe animals will be part of the fulfillment! 

As I was talking Jesus and heaven to the Littles on the drive home, Nate asked if Samson was now "new".  What a wonderful question and life moment to share with them that, yesSamson is fully, completely new and one day we will be too . . . when we get to heaven to be with him and Jesus!

Until then . . . until that “new” . . .
We are assured of His love. 
We are assured of His care. 
We are assured of His faithfulness.
We are assured of His compassion. 
We are assured of His mercies. 

“for they are new every morning”

Thank you, Jesus, for creating this wonderful friend for our family to love! 
We'll miss you Samsonas well as your snorts, sneezes & snoring 
. . . thank you for loving us so well!

(4/21/2001  2/21/2011)

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