Thursday, January 6, 2011

Balancing On The Edge Of The Coin

For 2 years this quiet corner has kept the door to your words closed.

This two-sided coin...

Fear of Man
Praise of Man


You don’t know a lot of my story. And I know even less of yours. But mine has stewed in the juices of rejection and insecurity.

This journal has been my safe place of obedience to the One I promised to obey.

He asked for transparency.
I asked for conditional surrender.

“I’ll be open about my walk, my struggles, my growth, my attempt to daily align my heart with Yours....IF....if I don’t have to hear what others think about it.”

I know me! ;)

If shared words were unkind or argued my thoughts so hesitantly pressed into this keyboard—would I have turned away offended?


If the words gifted were kind, in agreement, praising my thoughtswould my thoughts become just as wrecked by the ugly stench of pride?

Lots of words...
No words...
Hurtful words...
Praising words...

Which words would matter most to me? Those He asks me to share here or the ones shared (or not) in response?

I am dust—a blob of messy, messed-up clay. I write only to make much of Him. He is everything.  

I really want to know you—hear from you—converse with you—as you choose to spend some of your precious time here. He is the God of community and I think He'd like to see that in this place.

You have a lot to offer me. I'd like to take you up on it!

As I open the rusty “comment” door and invite you in to participate—to relationship—I want you to know that you are wanted in this place. As a commenter, a ever you want to visit.

You are welcome here, I’m glad you came. Feel free to leave a word or pass through quietly.
I like wordy...and I like quiet! 

Soli Deo Gloria! ~ Glory To God Alone!