Friday, December 3, 2010


So much money spent...useless gifts given just because "we have to give something".  Gifts no one wants or will use.  And those that are wanted--are they needed?

I've spent so much time with our little money this week searching the internet for the best deal on the best gift for each of my children and for all the other loved ones on my list.

And read this...and this...and this...and I am heartbroken.

I watch this...and what echoes in my head is "What if that was my 4 year old?  My Nate?"

The Littles fill green and red shoe boxes.  We always sit down and decide what to give on St. Nicholas Day (December 6) following the example of a kind, godly man who spent his life giving out of love for Jesus.


That is no longer enough for me.  Can it be?

"Break my heart over the things that break yours, O God!"   

This morning my heart does break...and the pieces of selfishness fall around me.  The way I have adopted the worlds way of doing things repulses me!  Today I receive His gift of a renewed mind!

Keep me broken!  I don't want those pieces back!  I only want the pieces that look like Jesus.  I want to live like Jesus lived!

I truly do!

Presents are already purchased for this Christmas.  The saved Christmas dollars spent...

But next year--even later this year...perhaps we'll have Christmas in April???

"whatever you do for the least of do for Me!"

It's Jesus' birthday we are celebrating, right?  What gifts do we give to Him?  Do we give Him gifts that cost us ourselves--our wants, our desires, our money, our time, and our comfort???

True Christmas gifts for Jesus?

Who's with me?


World Vision

Voice of the Martyrs

Gospel For Asia

Samaritan's Purse