Sunday, October 24, 2010

I Am A Mess

I don’t love well.  I don’t default to kindness.  I don’t mother great.  I don’t complete my man.  I don’t live in joy.  I don’t serve selflessly.  I don’t believe without doubt.  I don’t pray enough.  I don’t trust enough.  I don’t smile enough.

I. Am. A. Mess!

My kitchen floor is sticky.  My dog needs a bath.  My weeds are taller than my plants.  My desk is in disarray.  My bench is covered in coats.  My floor is littered with shoes.  My dining room table is covered in “stuff”.  My coupons need to be filed to be found.

My. House. Is. A. Mess!

I should have paid my bills on Friday.  I waited until Sunday morning to finish planning my Sunday School lesson.  I have yet to watch that DVD on the next writing assignment for the boys.  I have a 7 year old who should be reading better.  I have a little boy who yells too much.  I am always late most every where, every time. 

My. Responsibilities. Are. A. Mess!

I don’t  take every thought captive.  I hear from God but don’t always do what He asks.  I can be too easily bothered.  I am more selfish than selfless.  I react more often than respond.  I talk more than listen.

I write here the Truth I believe is true—I wish I always lived Truth.

I yield to the flesh.  I enjoy this world.  I allow Satan space.

The truth is...I am a mess!

I am in need of a Savior!

I am at the mercy of grace!