Monday, May 5, 2008

Corporate Prayer for America

Dear Family and Friends...

Please prayfully consider joining our family with thousands of others across America praying every Thursday for our nation. Here is a link that explains further... America at the Crossroads

This period of corporate prayer is from now until the elections in November (or can be carried on until Dec. 25--our Lord's birthday).

Every Thursday we are encouraged to gather and pray at noon for 30 min. to an hour. We would encourage you to also fast all or part of the day as well. (A dawn to dusk fast from morning until dinner...a Daniel fast--fruit,veggies & water only...a one meal fast...or full day fast...???)

This truly is a crucial time for our nation! Who knows but that the prayers of His faithful people may stem the tide of judgment and bring a return of blessing and holiness to America! May we prayerfully seek the election of godly servants that have His agenda in mind for our country! May we also pray for our country to turn from sin and acceptance of evil practices!

Please pass this information on to others you know that would love to see "God bless America" once again!