Monday, May 3, 2010

Learning To Lean

I know the right response I should be responding with.  My soul embraces what my flesh cannot, does not want to, embrace—“all things work together for good” and “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding”.  My soul is trusting, but my flesh is leaning—

God knows this hurts.  He knows this is hard.  Yet, I am to be at peace even now.

“Be still and know that I am God.”  Psalm 46:10

He is God.  He does as He sees fit—what pleases Him to do.  It is pleasing to Him to work in this way.  In a blindsiding change no part of me is excited about.

I am trusting that God is working all things together for good.  Right now it is a blind choice to trust because I so dislike it!  I know that He will never leave me—nor will He ever forsake me.  I am safe to trust in Him because He will not, can not, fail me.  He will never leave.

He tells me to rejoice!  Rejoice in this change!  Rejoice now in what He has planned to come to them that love Him—to them that are called according to His purpose!  This that is happening, this that has been decided, is His purpose—His will in Christ Jesus.

I am reminded of how far God has brought me; this past year specifically.  I am assured of my salvation—my continuing “sozo”!  Sozo is the Greek word for “save” and encompasses so much more than just salvation from eternal judgment.  It involves the every day rescuing, healing, restoring and preserving that works to bring us into oneness with our Abba Father.  My “sozo” is not contingent upon any person.  It is contingent upon my continued desire to seek Him in all things, trust Him in all things and believe in Him for all things.

His grace stands ready to be poured out upon me.  I can actually see it dripping from the sides of the cup Abundance.  All for me—the blessing for faithfulness; for believing always in His good intent towards His children. 

He asks that I believe Him now.  When it is the hardest—believe!

Rest...believing and trusting, now rest!
Release...hurts and concerns, now release!
Relinquish...perceived rights and desired wants, now relinquish! choice and in cheerfulness, now rejoice!
Remember...who is Mine and Who I Am, now remember!
Recall...My faithfulness and My character, now recall!
Reject...all work intended or done by the evil one, now reject!
Receive...beyond all you could ever ask or think, now receive! faithfulness and hope, now respond!

The leaning of my flesh is not the problem.  The direction of that lean is what’s important.  Now is the time to lean into Jesus!  He is my strongtower—no other!  He is my rock!  He is my fortress!  This is my God!  He will build me within for His honor and His glory regardless of who is around me; regardless of what is going on around me. 

So I yield and I lean.

Sad, broken hearted, at an alter I knelt
I found peace that was so serene
And all that He asks is a child like trust
And a heart that is learning to lean

Learning to lean
Learning to lean
I’m learning to lean on Jesus
Finding more power than I’d ever dreamed
I’m learning to lean on Jesus.