Thursday, June 18, 2009

Stretch My Mind

"One's mind, once stretched by a new idea,
never regains it's original dimensions."
Oliver Wendell Holmes

Wow! Has God ever been stretching my mind of my ideas of Him! We hear the statement all the time-- "don't put God in a box" but I believe it is difficult with our finite, fallible, feeble minds not to do so. I don't mean to, I definately don't WANT to box Him.

That chorus "I have made You too small in my eyes" has just come to mind. Isn't that the truth? We have human minds so we unknowingly make Him small to fit what is understandable--what makes sense to us.

O how I limit who I am in Christ when I do so!

That "sense" is also born out of the formation of our beliefs based on our life experiences. When ever those experiences have been critical, rocky, painful--momentous--so has the basis, the root, of the corresponding belief been planted, uprooted or put in need of being transplanted.

I so desperately need my mind to be stretched in grasping all that God is! I want my "idea" (i.e. my belief) of Him to be a growing, true reflection of all that He is. I don't want to be caught believing in a small God when He is so awesome, so great and has such great purposes for this life of mine.

I don't want my life short-changed because of unbelief wrought from a faulty conception of the One in whom I believe.

Lord, stretch my mind--my idea of, my belief in You! I want to be found faithful in believing in the great God that you are, not the god that makes sense to me. Grow my understanding of you. Grow my love for you. Grow my trust in Your unfallible goodness towards me! Stretch my mind so far that the original dimensions are unrecognizable. May others recognize You in me for the awesome, worthy, faithful God that you are!